*Mass Effect-All Media Types, First Contact-AU/Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence *Mass Effect games x The Equalizer movies/TV 2021 crossover Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s).Original Female Human Character(s)/Original Male Alien Character(s).Original Female Human Character(s)/Original Male Quarian Character(s).Nihlus Kryik/Original Female Character(s).Thane Krios/Original Female Character(s).Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence.MysticWriter3018 Fandoms: Original Work, The Equalizer (Movies), The Equalizer (TV 2021), Mass Effect - All Media Types, Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect: Andromeda Language: English Words: 19,638 Chapters: 6/? Kudos: 65 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 39 Part 12 of Xenobiology Is Whatever I Say It Is Their little home they can always find their way back to. Yet, despite everything, Thane remains easy when compared to the Reapers on their doorstep.

From shocking news to family bonding, Mars has to venture it all. Thane comes with many variables Mars is woefully unprepared for.

Language: English Words: 17,248 Chapters: 3/7 Comments: 20 Kudos: 99 Bookmarks: 7 Hits: 831 Part 1 of Commander John Shepard: Hoping to end this reign The sea knows where are the rocks, and drowning is no sin You know where my heart is, the same place that yours has been Seven times John and Kaidan chased that breaking wave, and let themselves be swept off their feet.