
Restore browsing history chrome
Restore browsing history chrome

The 'Advanced' section includes the basic data types, plus the following: Text and images from pages that you've visited in Chrome are removed.

  • Cached images and files: Chrome remembers parts of pages to help them open faster during your next visit.
  • Media licences: Licences for HTML5 protected content, such as films or music that you’ve played or downloaded, are deleted.
  • Site data: HTML5-enabled storage types including application caches, web storage data, web SQL database data and indexed database data.
  • They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information.

    restore browsing history chrome restore browsing history chrome

  • Cookies: Cookies are files created by websites that you visit.
  • Address bar predictions for those websites are no longer shown.
  • Shortcuts to those pages are removed from the New Tab page.
  • Web addresses that you've visited are removed from the History page.
  • Browsing history: Clearing your browsing history deletes the following:.

  • Restore browsing history chrome